Other Upcoming Events

A Weekend in the Life

A Weekend in the Life

Friday, April 11
A Weekend in the Life
Starts at 10:00 AM

New Milford Historical Society and Museum will be
open Friday and Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM,
Sunday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Recollection of Old New Milford by Boardman Wright

Recollection of Old New Milford by Boardman Wright

Sunday, April 27
Recollection of Old New Milford by Boardman Wright
Starts at 2:00 PM

Slides and Talk Presented by Joe Cats

Give Local

Give Local

Tuesday, April 29
Give Local
Starts at 7:00 AM

Give Local Greater Waterbury and Litchfield Hills is an extraordinary, fun and inspiring 36-hour online give-a-thon hosted by Connecticut Community Foundation that brings the community together as one—all to raise money and awareness for the vital work of hundreds of local nonprofits. Since 2013, Give Local has generated an astounding $17.2 million for our community, and the New Milford Hstorical Society is thrilled to be part of this amazing event.

Airing of the Quilts

Airing of the Quilts

Friday, May 2
Airing of the Quilts
Starts at 11:00 AM

New Milford Historical Society & Museum will be open
on Friday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM -
4:00 PM

Remembering Ingleside School

Remembering Ingleside School

Sunday, May 18
Remembering Ingleside School
Starts at 2:00 PM

Ingleside School Slides and Talk Presented by Ted Hine
New Milford Historical Society

Annual Tag Sale

Annual Tag Sale

Friday, June 27
Annual Tag Sale
Starts at 9:00 AM

June 27 and 28, 2025
New Milford Historical Society
Friday and Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Most Recent Events

The New Milford Historical Society & Museum Presents a Book Talk & Signing
Comanche and His

Comanche and His Captain

Sunday, March 23
Comanche and His Captain...
Started at 2:00 PM

The New Milford Historical Society & Museum
Presents a Book Talk & Signing

Comanche and His Captain
The Warhorse and
The Soldier of Fortune

By Janet Barrett

A tale of bravery, partnership, survival, and healing.

March 23, 2025
2:00 PM

“The Seasoning”
Thank you to Peter J. O’Brien, author of “The Seasoning&rdq

The Seasoning - Book Signing

Sunday, December 15
The Seasoning - Book Signing...
Started at 2:00 PM

“The Seasoning”

Thank you to Peter J. O’Brien, author of “The Seasoning”, a tale of colonial New Milford and the journey of John and Sarah Noble.
Peter, along with his sister Sharon, discussed the research and motivator behind the story and read excerpts.
The books are $20.00 each and are available at the museum. Peter is generously donating 100% of the sales to the New Milford Historical Society.

Our annual celebration of our Veterans runs through December. Contact the Museum for more info about

Flags of Valor

Saturday, November 2
Flags of Valor...
Started at 1:00 PM

Our annual celebration of our Veterans runs through December. Contact the Museum for more info about sponsoring a flag

Join us at the Society for two days of great, after Thanksgiving shopping. Start the Black Friday Ho

Small Business Weekend Craft Sale

Saturday, November 30
Small Business Weekend Craft S...
Started at 10:00 AM

Join us at the Society for two days of great, after Thanksgiving shopping. Start the Black Friday Holiday madness with us!

November 29th 5pm - 8pm
& November 30th 10am - 4pm
It’ll be two days of fun & deals
at the Society!

Join us at the Society for two days of great, after Thanksgiving shopping. Start the Black Friday Ho

Small Business Weekend Craft Sale

Friday, November 29
Small Business Weekend Craft S...
Started at 5:00 PM

Join us at the Society for two days of great, after Thanksgiving shopping. Start the Black Friday Holiday madness with us!

November 29th 5pm - 8pm
& November 30th 10am - 4pm
It’ll be two days of fun & deals
at the Society!

A Presentation by Gerard Monaghan
Gerard J. Monaghan, co-founder and former president of the Associ

Vietnam Revisited

Sunday, November 24
Vietnam Revisited...
Started at 2:00 PM

A Presentation by Gerard Monaghan

Gerard J. Monaghan, co-founder and former president of the Association of Bridal Consultants, had a parallel career, teaching design and practicing marketing and public relations for the Army and Army Reserve for almost 30 years. He served in Belgium and with the 25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi, Vietnam. As a Reservist, he was called up for Grenada, Panama and Gulf 1, where he worked for General Colin Powell and edited the Defense Department’s report to Congress on the war; he retired as a lieutenant colonel. In a prior life, he was an editor for The News-Times in Danbury
and The Advocate in Stamford.
He holds degrees in …

If you are looking for a terrific source for rustic, hand-made benches, tables, clothes racks, and candleholders, visit the country bench at https://www.thecountrybench.com

When we look for a great way to get rid of old furniture, old equipment, household and other items, we turn first to Mecanica Estate Sales. An "estate sale", simply put, is a sale done for a client who needs to liquidate merchandise!